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Scope Disclaimer
This web site (https://www.summersoc.eu) is intended to serve informative and/or registration purposes to the 19th Summer School on Service Oriented Computing, to be held at Heraklion Crete from 16 June to 21 June 2025, organized and supported by OpenIT.
Refund Policy
The registration process will be carried out until 16th May 2025. Cancellation is possible and in that case the organization committee has to be informed (info@summersoc.eu). In case of cancellation, the refund will depend on the date of cancellation. Specifically, there will be no refund made for cancellations after 16th May 2025 (registration due).
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The content published in this web site may be updated from time to time by OpenIT. Despite careful examination, to the extent permitted by law no liability can be accepted for the accuracy, completeness or up-to-dateness of this web site. OpenIT does not accept any liability whatsoever for possible damage or other consequences arising from the direct or indirect use of the content published in this web site. In case you notice any inaccuracies in the content published in this web site, you are kindly requested to onform OpenIT ( info@summersoc.eu). It is also pointed out expressly that OpenIT does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the content, reliability, operability, services, data security, personal data protection or whatsoever provided by other parties’ web sites, which may be made accessible via links from this web site. OpenIT may refer to other parties’ web sites, services, links only to the extent necessary within the scope and for the purpose of this web site.